
Packpros have more than 30 years of experience enables us to provide solutions for most packaging-related tasks.

Packaging design

Development of optimized packaging and internal components for products, tailored to the characteristics of the product and the specific requirements of storage and transportation.

Pre-packaging and assembly of packaging

We also offer the assembly and pre-packaging of complex packaging and internal components, ensuring maximum time savings for the customer and allowing them to focus on their core product manufacturing.

Cutting services

Cutting bubble wrap and cushioning films into sheets according to the customer's desired dimensions.

OnTime logistics

Storage of packaging materials and packages, as well as OnTime transport according to the agreed configuration and quantity, thereby relieving the contracting partner of storage-related costs.

Maintenance and spare parts

We provide maintenance services and supply spare parts for both the equipment sold by us and, if possible, for equipment from other manufacturers. We also offer the option to enter into maintenance contracts, ensuring priority service for our customers.

Special Material Usage Training

Consultation and training on the use of Zerust VCI corrosion control materials. Consultation on the selection of Schockwatch transportation indicators.

Consultation and training

We provide consultation to clients on equipment and packaging method selection, and conduct training sessions for equipment users.